Well we retired in March of 2008 and moved to Tennessee. Tennessee is a beautiful State and the people here really live up to the State Motto which is the Volunteer State. However the weather and the bugs leave a lot to be desired. We got married in 1969 and lived either the SF Bay Area or the Central Valley and I guess we are spoiled. We also miss family and friends. So we are going to move back towards the west. Not sure where we will land and hang our hats. All I know is it will be west of the Rockies.

Both of us will be adding to this blog as time goes by. And as time goes we will get better at it.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Trip To SAL 10-11

Here is a small snippet of our San Antonino Lake camping trip. We had a great time with friends here in California. It rained HARD off and on for the whole time we were there. The nice thing is we have the use of a room large enough for all of us to gather out of the elements. Sunday the weather broke and it was a nice day to watch the Daytona 500 we had a pool going for $2 a car. We put $10 bucks in and got 5 cars, the winning went as follows. First car out of the race wins $10 and the winner of the race wins $45... WE WON BOTH ch ching... hahaha

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